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  • Best Ethnic Wear Ideas for Baby Boys

    Dec 06, 2021,

    Ethnic wear is a must-have in the wardrobe when it comes to boys and the different styles with it. Wide range of collections for boys and with great colour, patterns, prints and designs options to choose from. Here are the best five styles which are a must-have.


    One of the most stylish and must-have styles for boys are ajkan. It has a wide range of collections with different variations of colours, designs and patterns, along with different material options.

    Kurta Sets

    Kurta sets are not just a set but can give you a wide range of options with designs even with cowl styles. Different patterns, designs and so much beautiful work on it which will give you the exact look which you are looking for and will be pleasing enough with the smartest pick for your boys.

    Nehru Jacket Sets

    Nehru jacket sets is a compilation of an entire set for boys which has not just Kurta and pants but a Nehru jacket along with it. Which has a wide range of collections with just not colours but patterns and prints and even different motifs on it. Pick the smartest one according to your choice with Fayon Kids.

    Dhoti Sets

    Many a time we get confused between which ethnic piece to choose from and what will suit the best for our children, one of those basic styles is the smart looks; Dhoti styles. It can also be paired with a kurta and styled with a beautiful Nehru jacket on it and don’t forget to wear a smart mojdi/jutti with it.

    Nehru Jacket

    Nehru jacket for boys cannot just be paired with ethnic sets but can also be worn with a shirt to give a basic stylish and smart ethnic fusion. You can simply go ahead and buy just a simple Nehru jacket for kids and style it according to different occasions, colour options which can vary from occasion to occasion and also according to the kind of material we are looking for and designs on it.


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